Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Perihal Pertama!


Good Morning!

Finally this is my very first personal blog (anggap saja begitu dan lupakan blog zaman dulu yang entah apa itu alamat emailnya) :)

Where should we start, then?

Kinda awkward since I used to writing for formal essay, and voila you have to write your own way. You can act, react, and bla..bla..bla... 

Let me begin with the reason of starting this blog. Honestly there are many many reasons, but here are the most essential:
  1. I am bored.
  2. I am bored since I have nothing to do.
  3. I have to find something to do.
  4. I need a place to express all feeling.
  5. Voila, I have personal blog.
  6. *Ya sudah sih itu saja*
Lalu, kenapa nama blog ini fluorites? Jawabannya sederhana, 


Pas awal bikin nih pingin pakai nama kue favorit, kayak macaroons, red velvet, sampai strawberry shortcake. Sayang sekali semua sudah dipakai!

Frustasi karena susah bener nyari nama, akhirnya ngasal aja ngetik fluorites, maka jadilah personal blog satu ini.

Bikin blognya selesai, lalu mau nulis apa? Nah, ini yang belum kepikiran hingga akhirnya nulis gak jelas gini hahahaha.

Hmmmm.. sebagai blog personal jadinya nanti berisi campur-campur, dari curhatan hingga sampah. Apapun lah yang penting nulis. 

Okay, I have written a lot. Once again, I would like to welcome you to "A Story of My Life".

Warm regards! 

Perihal Pertama! Rating: 4.5 Posted By: dyah laili

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